General questions and answers

Dr Leinkram consults during business hours in his rooms at Bondi Junction. Please contact us to check availability and to arrange your consultation. In case of an emergency, your consultation and treatment may be provided at the same appointment and we will attempt to accommodate you as soon as possible.

Your initial consultation will take approximately 30 minutes. You will be provided with detailed information regarding your treatment and will be given the opportunity to ask questions. If you have additional questions before or after your consultation, please do not hesitate to contact us. You may bring a family member or a friend to your consultation.

In most cases, one consultation is required. In more complex situations further consultations may be required to enable us to prepare comprehensively for your surgery. In all cases, we will do whatever is required to achieve the best possible outcome for your surgery.

Your consultation may be partly rebateable from Medicare or from your health fund if you have a referral from your doctor or dentist. If you do not have a referral, you may contact us and we can help you organise a referral.

Yes! We encourage you to look at our Before and After Galleries.

You may be able to claim a rebate for your surgery and hospital fee from your health insurance provider. At your consultation, you will be given a fee estimate for the surgery. If you are having the procedure under general anaesthesia, you may contact the day surgery or hospital directly for the anaesthetist and hospital fees and rebates. It is your responsibility to determine if you are covered and if there are any additional fees that you may have to pay.

You will be given all pre-operative instructions prior to your surgery. If you are having the procedure under general anaesthesia, the hospital or day surgery will contact you close to the date of your surgery and will provide you with all the relevant fasting information.

Many of our procedures are performed in our surgery under local anaesthesia or in a day surgery or hospital in an outpatient unit. In most cases, you will be discharged shortly after your procedure.

Your first post-operative visit is usually about one week after your procedure. Usually, only one post-operative visit is required, however, in some cases Dr Leinkram may wish to review you again following this visit. Occasionally, you may not be required to attend a post-operative visit and a phone review may suffice.

Dr Leinkram is an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon. To complete his training, Dr Leinkram first obtained a Dental degree, a Medical degree and finally a FRACDS(OMS) qualification, which is recognised in both Australia and New Zealand, and is highly regarded internationally. Dr Leinkram is fully registered as a dentist, a medical practitioner and an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon in Australia.

Contact us either via email or phone and we will try to accommodate you to the best of our ability.


Dental Implants

Missing teeth often has a profound impact on a person’s self-confidence and can be associated with a negative self-image. Losing teeth is associated with ageing and general health decline as well as thoughts of guilt for neglecting one’s teeth. Dental implants are the most natural-looking and natural-feeling replacement for missing teeth. Unlike many other tooth replacement options, dental implants do not slip or click when talking, laughing or eating, making for greater confidence. A dental implant also enables a false tooth or teeth to be constructed without damaging adjacent teeth. They are very easy to keep clean. They have a very high success rate and offer a very predictable treatment.

A dental implant is a titanium screw that replaces a tooth root that is placed into the jaw bones. During the initial 6 to 12 weeks after placement of the implant, the surrounding bone grows against the surface of the implant. This creates a biological connection between your body and the dental implant. The implant houses a screw hole that can accept a false tooth which is screwed into the implant. The combined implant and false crown can look and feel like a natural tooth. When multiple implants are placed at the same time, false teeth can be supported immediately. A well-known example of this is the “All on 4” for patients who have all their teeth missing in one or both arches.

Dr Leinkram, who is a dental implant expert, will place the implant into the jawbone. Usually, As you heal, your implant will fuse with your natural jawbone. Once the implant bonds with the jawbone, a small connector is placed on top of the dental implant to connect the implant to the replacement tooth or teeth. The crown will be completed by either your dentist or dental specialist.

It is legal for general dentists to place dental implants after he/she has had adequate training. For aesthetic cases and in patients where there is limited bone, it is prudent to be treated by someone who has the full scope of hard and soft tissue skills for predictable high quality results. Dr Leinkram is a qualified oral and maxillofacial surgeon. He has extensive training in bone grafting and soft tissue augmentation procedures. He can offer an uncompromised, state of the art, service. This means that virtually everyone will be able to be treated with dental implants should that be the most appropriate and sort after treatment option.

This is an important question to ask yourself. Whilst dental implants are an excellent option to replace missing teeth, there are other alternatives that need to be considered. Further back in the mouth, in the regions of the second and third molars, teeth usually do not need replacement. Further to the front of the mouth, you may prefer treatment with a bridge or a denture. These different options need to be clearly understood before choosing to proceed with a dental implant. Dr Leinkram will discuss these options and will also liaise with your dentist so that you make the choice that is right for you.

Many procedures can be performed safely under local anaesthesia, with patients fully awake. Also, Dr Leinkram works regularly in hospitals and can readily offer treatment whilst asleep. He will discuss this option with you during your consultation as well as the pros and cons of each.

This is a complex question. The answer is – it depends. There are a group of medications called antiresorptive agents, commonly used in patients, that can affect the way the bone heals. Specifically, in the jaws, it can be associated with non-healing bone that subsequently, becomes infected. These infections can be very serious and require aggressive surgical treatment. When the risk for this serious complication is extremely low, you may decide that you would like to proceed and Dr Leinkram would be very comfortable to perform the implant surgery. For patients at high risk for developing a severe infection, Dr Leinkram will recommend alternative treatments. For some of these medications, especially Prolia, Dr Leinkram will discuss with your doctor, the option of delaying your next dose to allow for healing after the implant surgery. Dr Leinkram, who is a fully qualified medical and dental practitioner, has extensive training and experience in the treatment of patients who are taking antiresorptive agents.

Implant treatment can be divided into a surgical phase that Dr Leinkram will perform and the restorative phase that is performed by your dentist. Dr Leinkram’s fees are only for the surgical phase. Following your consultation, Dr Leinkram will provide you with a quote and item numbers. You can contact your health fund to find out how much you will be refunded. Treatment in a private hospital will incur additional fees that will be explained to you. You will also need to ask your referring dentist for a quote for the restorative phase.

You can be referred to Dr Leinkram by your GP or another medical specialist if you do not have a regular dentist. Dr Leinkram works closely with many dentists and prosthodontists and he will refer you for the restorative phase prior to your surgery. A treatment plan will be presented before you commence your implant surgery.


Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are the third and last molars on each side of the upper and lower jaws. They are also the final teeth to erupt, usually when a person is in their late teens or early twenties.

Wisdom teeth are so called because they are the last teeth to come in-usually between ages 17 and 21-presumably the age when a person gains maturity and thus wisdom.

You know if you have wisdom teeth by examining your mouth and finding three permanent molars in each dental quadrant. However, if the tooth is impacted under the tissue, presence of the tooth needs to be verified by a radiograph.

Wisdom teeth that are healthy and properly positioned can be an asset. In most cases, though, wisdom teeth remain impacted, trapped beneath the gum and bone and against the teeth in front of them. They may erupt only partially, often because other teeth crowd the jaw. Partially erupted teeth may tilt sideways and cause damage to adjacent teeth. They may also lead to other complications such as infection. Because teeth removed before age 20 have less developed roots and fewer complications, it is advisable for people between the ages of 16 and 19 to have their wisdom teeth evaluated to see if they need to be removed.

Symptoms from wisdom teeth may be caused by infection to the gums, a crowded tooth displacing neighbouring teeth, a decayed wisdom tooth, poorly positioned wisdom tooth or a cyst that destroys bone.

If the wisdom teeth are impacted and embedded in the bone, Dr Leinkram will place an incision into the gums and remove the tooth or teeth in sections to minimize the amount of bone being removed.

If you are having your wisdom teeth removed under sedation or general anaesthesia, you will be required to fast prior to surgery. You will be advised of the precise time that you must cease eating and drinking prior to your surgery.

It is important to discuss all medication with Dr Leinkram during your consultation. In most cases, medication should be continued unless specifically instructed to withhold them. When necessary Dr Leinkram will consult with your doctor to safely manage your medications.

Dr Leinkram will discuss your anaesthesia options. Our goal is to provide minimal discomfort as possible.

The length of surgery depends on your treatment. Usually, the removal of wisdom teeth can take between 30 and 60 minutes.

Procedure and patient health are determining factors of what antibiotic and/or pain medication will be prescribed. Please do not hesitate to contact us if your medication does not seem to be working. If antibiotics are prescribed, continue to take them for the indicated length of time, even if signs and symptoms of infection are gone.

Depending on the extent of the procedure and type of sedation you may resume work and a normal lifestyle anywhere from a few hours to a few days.

After surgery, swelling and tenderness in the face and neck are common, as is bruising. Ice packs and sometimes pain medications prescribed by Dr Leinkram should help ease the pain. It is very important that you keep the tooth sockets as clean as possible during the recovery period.